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Tower kW:
RR / 3.22
L/m RR:
Tower kW × 3.22
1.5 × sump or
5 × RR or
Evap C = RR × 1.83
Tower TDS / MU TDS
E = 1% × RR per 10 F
Make up (MU) LPM:
(Evap × COC) / (COC - 1)
Blow Down (BD) LPM:
E / (COC - 1)
Holding Time Index (HTI) Hrs:
CR = 3.22 LPM / KW
E = 1 LPM / 31 KW
( (ppm / 120) × ( (BD(LPM) / 3.785 ) x 1440) / 1000 ) / 2.204 = kg/day
( (ppm / 120) × (Volume Liters / 3.785) / 1000 ) / 2.204 = kg/day
Basic Calculations Necessary to Survive in the Field - Part I: Cooling Water
Guidelines for Treatment of Systems Containing Enhanced and Super Enhanced Tubes
Boiler Horsepower × 34.5 = # steam / hr
Boiler TDS / FW TDS
((ppm / COC) / 120) × (MU gpm × 1440 / 1000)
(ppm / 120) × (BD(gpm) x 1440) / 1000
BD: Blow Down
BW: Boiler Water
COC:Cycles of Concentration; Cycles
FW: Feed Water
MU: Make Up
Mmhos: millimhos
ppm: parts-per-million
Annual AVG Steam Load:
Cycles of Concentration:
City Water Cost:
MU Conductivity:
FW Conductivity:
Condensate Conductivity:
Operating Hours:
MU Water Flow:
FW Flow:
BD Rate:
Annual MU:
Annual BD:
Actual % Condensate Return:
MM pounds per year:
MM lbs
Condensate Flow Rate:
Steam Flow:
Annual Water Costs:
Basic Calculations Necessary to Survive in the Field - Part III: Boiler Water
Exchange Capacity:
1060 mg/L @ 33 Kg salt
Peak Flow Rate:
0.67 lpm per Liter of Resin
1 ft3 = 28.3206 Liters
Basic Calculations Necessary to Survive in the Field - Part 2: Pretreatment
Peak Flow Rate:
0.40 lpm per Liter
Exchange Capacity:
353 mg/L @ 11Kg Salt
Exchange Capacity:
459 mg/L @ 11Kg Salt w/NaOH
.55 Kg NaOH
Other Anions
1ppm PO42- | 1.58 ppm as CaCO3 |
1ppm SO42- | 1.04 ppm as CaCO3 |
1ppm SiO2 | 0.83 ppm as CaCO3 |
1ppm NO3 | 0.81 ppm as CaCO3 |
1ppm Cl- | 1.41 ppm as CaCO3 |
Basic Calculations Necessary to Survive in the Field - Part 1: Cooling Water
A tolerance of -0.3 to +0.3 is the ideal range for swimming pools
A tolerance of -0.5 to +0.5 is acceptable for swimming pools
A Saturation Index of higher than +0.5 indicates carbonate scale formation.
A Saturation Index of lower than -0.5 indicates corrosive water.
Dosage Required = (Volume of Water to be treated x PPM)/1,000,000
Pound Required = (Target ppm/120) x (Volume Water/1000)
Feed Factor = 100/Percent Solution (as percent)
Percent Solution = 100 X (Volume of Polymer/Total Solution Volume) (*Volumes must be in same units)
Percent Removal = ((influent - Effluent)/ Influent) x 100
This is used to calculate the removal efficiency for BOD, TOC, COD, TSS, FOG, etc
Floculant Make down
Day Tank addition Calculation
Floculant Volume Added = (Desired Flocculent Make Down Percent/100) x Day Tank Volume x unit desired conversion
© 2025 Association of Water Technologies
1300 Piccard Drive, Suite LL 14
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301) 740-1421
Fax: (301) 990-9771