Business Owners Meeting

The Meeting Exclusively for Water Treatment Company Owners

Our theme this year is Thriving in Uncertainty. It is safe to say that most AWT leaders and owners feel like they are “striving” in uncertainty with so many external forces we must deal with from supply chain issues, to record high inflation, and a challenging employment market. Often, we end up doing just enough to get by – we “strive.” Thriving is different than striving; it is effort spent in the execution of a strategy that is clear and inspiring, not just to owners and leaders, but to the employees and prospective employees as well. During this meeting you will hear from panels of your peers on topics such as developing your leadership team, living your core values, the metrics you should be tracking, and how to measure true profitability.

This Business Owners Meeting is designed to give you some tools to move you from striving to thriving. It is an opportunity to get out of the day-to-day grind, step back and see a future that encourages you.


Thank You to Our Sponsor