
Join Now

Since you are joining after September 1, 2024, the cost for membership is the full amount for (1) year of membership. You will be joining for the membership year ending December 31, 2025.

This means you will be able to access the Members Only section of the AWT website for the remainder of 2024 and the entirety of 2025.

After submitting the form you will be provided with you membership login account information and you will immediately be able to access the Members Only section of the AWT website.


Company Information
Primary Contact Information
Best Method(s) of Contacting You
  Contact by Email   Contact by Mail  
  Contact by Phone   Contact by Fax  


How did you find out about AWT?
      AWT Member who introduced you to AWT (optional):

      Previous member
      Social media
      AWT website
      Received information in the mail or via email
      Received information relating to an AWT event
      Through a customer or supplier

What are your expectations in joining AWT?

To help us serve your company and its employees in the best way possible, please provide a brief explanation of why you are electing to join the AWT and what you expect to gain from your involvement.

Membership Wish List

Do you have any suggestions, or a need, for specialized information, resources or events that you would like to see AWT offer and that would benefit the membership as a whole.

Main contact has expressed an interest in serving on the following committee(s):
Technical - Boiler
Technical - Cooling
Technical - Pretreatment
Technical - Special Projects
Technical - Waste Water


Should you wish to list additional personnel, you will be able to do so online after you application has been approved and an online account has been setup by AWT. You will be notified when the application is approved.

Water Treatment Company Members Only

Please submit a brief written statement of your company's mission and services in the box below. This will assist the Membership Committee and Board of Directors with the review of your application and ensure that you are in the appropriate membership category. You may be asked to provide additional information during your probationary status.  

Membership Categories

* Please check the category that best applies to your company and submit the appropriate dues payment (in U.S. dollars).

Please refer to the AWT bylaws for the proper definition of each category.

Individual - An individual who wishes to be a part of the AWT community who cannot otherwise qualify under a water treatment company (WTC) or water treatment supplier (WTS) membership.


Water Treatment Company (WTC) - Independent water treatment companies who specialize in industrial and process water treatment of boilers, cooling towers and cooling water systems, wastewater and potable water systems to the end user, with up to 500 employees or less.


Water Treatment Supplier (WTS) - Suppliers of chemicals and equipment to water treatment companies who would qualify as a WTC.


All of the questions below are required.

Use the section below to opt in/out of email notifications from AWT.

Annual Meeting and Exposition
Yes :   No :
Technical Training
Yes :   No :
Yes :   No :
Training Opportunities
( Safety, Business, Webinars, Bookstore, etc. )
Yes :   No :
AWT Gram
Yes :   No :
Analyst Online
Yes :   No :
AWT Announcements
( Volunteering, Board Nominations, Board Updates, etc. )
Yes :   No :
Charity Updates
Yes :   No :
Affinity Programs/Partners' Special Offers
Yes :   No :


Total Dues: $
Agreement to Memebrship Terms

My Company hereby applies to become a member of the Association of Water Technologies. I have indicated the category of membership that I believe best suits my company profile. I understand that payment is due, in full, with my application.

In the event that I have selected the incorrect membership category, AWT reserves the right to place me in the category that they deem appropriate for my company.

I fully understand and accept that, should my membership category change due to company size or assets, I will notify AWT and make the applicable changes.

<< click to agree.


Payment Information

Please note we only accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.


Billing Information
Click checkbox to copy/un-copy your address information

The IRS has determined that dues are non-deductible as a business expense to the extent that they support lobbying activities. The AWT budget projects less than 1% of dues revenue to be spent on lobbying and therefore non-deductible.

Please contact Angela Pike, Member Services Manager, at (240) 404-6477 or apike@awt.org with questions.

Phone: 301-740-1421
Fax: 301-990-9771
Email: awt@awt.org